Thursday, July 10, 2008

Baby Daddy Drama

Not really the topic of this particular entry, but it fit in all the same. Today's chapter focused on forgiveness and he's the first person that comes to mind.... You'll see why...



Exploring the Depths of Forgiveness

"He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must past."

~George Herbert

Make It Count Moment

If you only had one month to live, what would you ask forgiveness for? From whom? Whom would you need to forgive?

I would ask forgiveness from my husband –for not being the kind of wife that he needs and deserve.I would need to forgive and truly forgive my son’s father.

How have you experienced the results of bitterness in your life? What were the physical consequences? What's the present impact of bitterness in your life? How is it related to your ability to forgive and be forgiven?

Yes, I have experienced the results of bitterness. Bitterness has resulted in stomach and intestinal issues within my life and my neglecting my current emotional responsibilities. I believe I still harbor unforgiveness within my heart, which is why bitterness still rears its ugly head.

Make It Last for Life

1. Make a list of the people you need to forgive. Write down the offense -what they did to hurt you- next to each name. Now make a list of all the people from whom you need to ask forgiveness. Next to their names briefly describe how you hurt them. Finally spend time in confession to God. Ask for the power of Christ to wash over you, bathing you in His forgiveness that will enable you to forgive others.

Need to forgive: John – not stepping up and taking responsibility for being a father to our son. For feeling like he lied to me when we met because he said that he was a man of honor & everything he did proved to be different. Myself – For feeling like I wasn’t smart enough to not get caught up in being a single parent; For not making better judgments with the decisions within my life; For feeling like a failure as a mother because I didnt provide the “stable” or what I thought to be “stable” home from my child.

Need to ask forgiveness from: The Lord – He knows all of my transgressions, but I don’t believe I ever came to him fully “naked” and asked for His forgiveness. Don – He is only trying to be a wonderful husband and father in our family& because of my inner issues, he’s the main brunt of my bitterness &resentment. It hasn’t been fair to him, but he’s still sticking by our side.Dad – For not being there for him like I could have during the last months of his life. I didn’t know they would be the last months. I thought he would bounce back like he always did. I could have been there for him more. I could have done more things for him and now he’s gone.

2. Write God a letter and unload on Him. Tell Him all the things you're angry about, all the things you're harboring against Him and wondering about. Be honest, and trust that He can handle anything - everything- you throw at Him, no matter how dark, desperate, or doubtful you may be. Then ask Him to heal your heart as you tear up the letter.

Will definitely take the opportunity to complete this exercise in private. I will write later on the effects of it within my life.

3. Choose a beautiful photograph, seashell, or other memento that represents the ocean. Place it in a prominent place as a reminder to ask God for His forgiveness and to forgive those around you daily.

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