Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good, Bad and Scary...

Although things did not happen in that order! Yesterday was my 13 week follow up exam. Can you believe how excited I was to FINALLY be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time?!

I checked in & had to face the dreaded scale - THE BAD!! 6lb gain in 3 weeks. What the heck?! Good thing I went to the grocery store over the weekend and stocked up on some healthy fruits and vegetables. Not to mention I've been guzzling water - trying not to retain TOO much fluid.

Next it was on to the exam room to chat with the doctor. I laid back in anticipation and waited to hear the thump... thump... thump... of that fast little heartbeat. Out came the Doppler AND.... nothing.... Absolutely nothing.... Just static for what seemed like forever - THE SCARY!!

My doctor wasn't too concerned. He sent me for an ultrasound right away. After being pumped with water (I had to have a full bladder), waiting for what seemed forever (I was a walk-in) and giving my husband a mini heart attack (since no cell phones allowed, I sent him a text message of what was going on) the results were in...

The baby is fine. The technician showed me the little body & fluttering heart - THE GOOD!!

Now if only I can explain these 6lbs?! I was told the little bugger weighs less than 1lb. Hmmm.... Guess I need to bump up those walking workouts!!! :)
Stay Blessed!!!

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