Monday, June 22, 2009

Going on 21 Weeks...

So the blog is a little late in coming, but here is the latest update...

Check up was last Thursday and all is well & on target! No major issues. Heartbeat was REALLY fast! Lol... Although this is normal. :) Weight gain is okay (well to the doctors, not me)! A total of about 17lbs so far. I guess that's good, I'm still within that standard 25 - 35lbs gain.

Everything from the ultra sound checked out well and written right there in black and white were "It's a Male"! Boy oh boy, that tech better be right! Lol...

And finally, as far as my VBAC - there will definitely be a planned c section here. It appears that I have a low-lying placenta. Per my doctor, nothing to worry about & that the placenta pretty much always moves as the baby gets bigger, BUT it also rules out VB. Which I have comes to terms with slowly. I figure as long as he gets here healthy & safely, I'm all good!!!

Speaking of which - here he is...

1 comment:

  1. I was "Blog surfing" and found your site. Loved your lists and goals. Congratulations!
