Monday, August 4, 2008

Does This Say It All??

If you haven't guessed, this is how I feel this morning. And it's only a whooping 8:24 in the morning. Long talk with hubby last night about the possibility of another rug rat and maybe that set me on edge because when the alarm went off this morning, I felt as if I had just fallen asleep. Needless to say we're still on the fence. Guess it's hard trying to decide if you want to bring another child into an already large family (our blended family equals 5 kids). Funny thing, for the both of us, is that this will be the first time that either of us have "planned" a child. lol... New concept for the both of us. But at least we're planning things so it shouldn't be a "Honey, guess what?!" moment. lol...

But it's back to work and a typical Garfield Monday for me. For those who don't know my Garfield Monday's, let me show you...

You get the picture!!! lol...

As far as my goals go, today is Day 4 of "You On A Diet" and it's going pretty well. Day 4 consists of more walking (30 minutes), stretching (5 minutes) and following the regular eating plan. Although, he does put in a blurb about having fallen into temptation or as he put it "dabbled into the neighbor's cake, picked at the kid's chips or snuck a few bites of a butter-covered pretzel from the mall." lol... Hmmm... wonder if they noticed that butterfinger blizzard I had this Saturday?! lol... Well, as they so kindly put it in the book - it's okay - just do an authorized You-Turn and get things back in order. Nice and simple.

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